
Information obligations according to § 14 UGB and § 5 E-Commerce Act (ECG) as well as disclosure obligation according to § 25 MedienG environomics GmbH

environomics GmbH
Tel.: +43 1 992 98 53-0
UID: ATU80550878
Company register number: FN 61727x
Address: Stubenring 24/9 / A – 1010 Wien
Vienna Commercial Court Membership of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Section of the Chamber of Commerce for Management Consulting, Accounting and IT (UBIT)
Applicable legislation and access:
Trade regulations:
Object of the company: Advising companies on environmental and sustainability issues, both with regard to their supply chain management and their corporate organization.

Basic direction of the medium:

This environomics GmbH website is a communication medium and is aimed at clients and other interested parties.

Managing directors: Catharina Ahmadi LLM.oec, DI (FH) Philipp Schneider, MSc

Shareholders: Catharina Ahmadi LLM.oec, PHS CAP GMBH, Schütze Holding GmbH